Home » Disturbance fields » Root canal
The medical authorities consider that extracting a tooth simply because it is devitalized is a case of deliberate assault and injury.
In their opinion, a devitalized tooth treated according to the latest principles, with a radiologically perfect root filling, represents no toxic danger to the body. But some scientists consider that root canal treatment can have a pathological effect on health, even at a distance from the mouth. In fact, when roots are treated today, hundreds of root canals cannot be filled, despite the most modern filling techniques. Some 75 species of toxic bacteria have been found in these empty canals that communicate with the lymph, some of which can have an effect on the heart, nervous system, kidneys or brain. These bacteria release toxins into the lymph each time they apply pressure to the tooth (15,000 times a day). Some of these compounds, such as mercaptan, are known carcinogens. These toxins block the action of essential enzymes in the respiratory chain, leading to the death of mitochondria and hence the destruction of cells. They create inflammation that lasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for the rest of your life...! The tooth then becomes a disruptive field for the meridian passing through it.Local Toxicity : the EU/EC-certified Oro Tox test is accepted for demonstrating the presence of dental toxins in the dental sulcus. The tooth often appears already discoloured.
Systemic Toxicity : The presence of Mercaptan Thioether in a blood test indicates whether the devitalized tooth is causing systemic toxicity.
The use of neural therapy can help with the diagnosis. We inject procaine into the area of the tooth in question and observe the effects over an 8-hour period, in terms of pain reduction, joint function, organ function, etc.
If the decision is taken to extract a tooth, it is important to replace it, both to respect the masticatory function and to stimulate the meridians. In this case, we use Zirconia implants.